Listen to The Rav’s Shiurim on Daat Chochma Mussar. Catch up on any past Shiurim you may have missed, and stay tuned for upcoming lessons!
Listen to The Rav’s Shiurim on Sefer Habit, a book written by Rabbi Pinchas Eliyahu of Vilna. Catch up on any past Shiurim you may have missed, and stay tuned for upcoming lessons!
Listen to The Rav’s Shiurim on Nefesh Hachaim, a masterpiece written by R. Chaim of Volozhin. This Sefer deals with deep understandings of God’s nature, secrets of prayer, and the importance of Torah. Catch up on any past Shiurim you may have missed, and stay tuned for upcoming lessons!
Listen to The Rav’s Special Shiur on Or Hajaim, written by R. Chaim Ben Attar, a Talmudist and Kabbalist Rabbi from Meknes, Morroco. Catch up on any past Shiurim you may have missed, and stay tuned for upcoming clips and podcasts
Listen to and watch The Rav’s Special Shiurim on Chanukah. Catch up on any past Shiurim you may have missed, and stay tuned for upcoming clips
Listen to and watch The Rav’s Weekly Shiur on the Parasha. Catch up on any past Shiurim you may have missed, and stay tuned for upcoming clips!
Listen to and watch The Rav’s Weekly Shiur on the Parasha. Catch up on any past Shiurim you may have missed, and stay tuned for upcoming clips
Listen to and watch The Rav’s Weekly Shiur on the Parasha. Catch up on any past Shiurim you may have missed, and stay tuned for upcoming clips!
Listen to and watch The Rav’s Divrei Torah and discussions about why our sages made prohibitions. Catch up on any past Shiurim you may have missed, and stay tuned for upcoming clips